To be able to do a bioenergetic restoration it is necessary to know in advance all the problems that our energy body drags, this consists of four fields: vital, mental, emotional and spiritual, sometimes one or more of them, have deficiencies that sooner or later end up being reflected in our physical body. I recognize that although I have spent years working on the restoration of the energy body, I had only discovered the tip of the iceberg, my study was limited to the general level and the particular level of each chakra, contemplating if any of them had a partial blockage and proceeding to unblock and raising the levels of each field balancing that of all the farms, due to ignorance left many problems unsolved, the current study is possibly one of the most complete that exists. Perhaps there is still someone who wonders what type of machine does this check, the answer is that it does it the most complex, unknown and powerful: the subconscious, the complicated thing is to get access to it, to do this study it is enough with a Image in which the eyes and the full name of the person to be tested are seen, not being a problem that the subject is 10, 100 or 10,000 km away.

It may seem simple or complex, it can be believed as possible or not, that is a personal decision, my job consists of trying to obtain the answers of the card through the subconscious of the person who orders the check-up, before I did not always get reliable answers 100%, there are people who for different reasons carry barriers that interfere with that connection, but the fact that people who have done it recommend it to family and friends, in addition to multiple favorable comments, make me continue practicing and researching to expand this exciting field of It helps a better evolution, for some time I have been able to ask permission from the essence of the person and the connection is fuller, there are questions whose answer lies in the essence.

In order to reach a problem generated in past lives or even this one but years ago, it is obvious that I need to connect with the akashic records of the person I evaluate, I have to say that I was interested in the traditional method of reading records, I went to a reading and also to a first course, it is through a guided meditation that this method is tried, to access the hidden problems that we all drag. No, I do not use that medium, I do not do meditations, just a little concentration and looking into the eyes of a photograph, I connect with the subconscious and the essence of that person and it is the person himself through the subconscious and from his essence, the one that offers the answer to those hidden problems, it would be absurd to carry a quality and try to ignore it, it is as if a healer born with an open channel to apply energy, tried to extinguish that flame by learning Reiki or any other means, it is as if someone could walk on The waters tried to swim across a river, in the end it would end up turning off its quality.

One process is the evaluation, which serves to know which are the energy problems that we drag and another different process is the restoration of said problems, to dilute these problems I work with mental orders that I give on behalf of the person tested, at the same time I send energy for that problem to be swept away or dissolved, depending on the case, currently I only work with the Pure and Creative Energy of The Source, the primary energy, much more powerful than the Subtle or Universal Energy. In a restoration, regardless of the problems detected there are always seven that I already have marked as mandatory. opening of the pineal gland, I work with the energy of the Source and mental orders, this energy is channeled through the pineal and to do the restoration correctly I have to open it, the following is to create a protective shield against negative energy entities and spells , It is preventive, but I understand that it is necessary, I have also included in the process the energetic enhancement of the thymus gland, located in chakra 4, the activation of the energetic terminals located in the navel and the activation of the DNA, mainly this activation, acts on the energy body, but I could not say that it does not also act on the physical body, in any way, I do not consider it a wound, it came to me that I had to include it, but I have not yet obtained the answer that it is what it solves, but something tells me that it is very necessary, possibly one of the most important points in restoration, it is especially important for sensitive people, but also for the rest , that is why I have included it as a necessary session in the restoration, in the end there is heavy or dead energy, we all have a percentage in our energy body, which does not circulate, it only takes up space, it is at the end, because by dissolving the problems, generates more dead energy, it is necessary to dissolve this energy, so that that space is occupied with renewed energy and finally the closure of healing, it is mandatory, whenever a process begins, it is necessary to close it, to anchor the changes.

After knowing what the energy problems of our body are, we can face the challenge of restoring them, this is possible by directing a channeled sending of energy from the Source, with the explicit order that the energy received dissolves the problem, this is normally achieved in a single shipment for each problem. Normally we tend to drag the same problems and that is why I consider them more normal, although they are still energetic wounds, but there are some very important ones, who have the misfortune of being possessed by a negative energetic entity or have done a work of black magic or a mooring. , they really have a major problem.

A very important problem for me, at least I consider it that way, is the karmic pact, it is responsible for us being born in the family that we have, it is normal that we have coincided with one of our ascendants in another life and a debt has been generated For a bad action, which is agreed to meet again so that it is compensated, when a karmic pact has a high intensity, it is usually problematic, I consider it very important to leave it settled, in fact I do not consider it especially necessary to make an evaluation of a small child , they hardly drag problems, but nevertheless, just by knowing with whom they bring the karmic pact and especially the degree of intensity it would be advisable to do it, sometimes a baby comes with a very short life path, or to live a sick life, it is their path and his decision, comes to collect a very strong debt, to make one of his parents suffer and by extension the other, to find that karmic pact before problems arise, he could avoid them or at least attenuate them, on a scale of 0 10, intensity 7 is normal, also 8, 9 is problematic, 10 ... indicates that the debt contracted is very strong.

We are not aware of the energetic problems that we carry, some are from this life and others belong to the karmic inheritance, we can even carry some passed through by our mother. The normal thing is to find that a single person needs between 10 and up to 20 or more sessions to achieve a complete restoration, at this moment we offer 3 options, a bonus of 9 to 14 sessions, for € 150, the next option is a bonus of 15 At 18 sessions, for € 180, the sensitive ones drag some special problems, which make more sessions necessary, they usually need this second bonus and on rare occasions this number of sessions is exceeded, in case this is the case, there is a last bonus for that that needs more than 18 sessions, with a value of € 200, the vouchers are one-person, you cannot add two vouchers to make three restorations, each person must use theirs.

You should remember that we do not have a consultation in a local, these sessions are applied remotely, the truth is that after verifying that for many people keeping their gaze fixed on other eyes for a while creates a small discomfort and that being accompanied does not allows me to reach the same state of concentration that loneliness brings me, I have come to the conclusion that it is more effective to fix my eyes on an image, than when I do it in person, the effect is the same, or perhaps better . I have the ability to practice dowsing at a distance, but this option has nothing to do with dowsing, some think it is a gift, I do not know if the expression is correct, it is a quality that I define, as I have been endowed with a tool to carry out a task, on the condition that I carry it out, I am psychic and my quality is to connect with the subconscious of other people to obtain some answers, for the moment only those referring to their energetic state.

After receiving the evaluation form and knowing how many sessions are necessary, any of the aforementioned vouchers should be requested through the web store.


QUESTION: How long does it take to do the Bioenergetic Assessment?

ANSWER: The time invested is variable and depends on the number of problems encountered, the average is about 45 minutes, normally the results are sent in two or three days.


QUESTION: Can Bioenergetic Restoration be applied to any sick person, or is it not advisable to apply it when sick?


ANSWER: When we speak of a sick person we refer to the physical body, we work only on the energy body, the situation of the physical body is indifferent when doing the restoration.


QUESTION: Can the Restoration have side effects, adverse reactions or contraindications?

ANSWER: No, only when the energetic state of the person who receives it is very low, you can feel some sensation of shock when receiving the energy, nothing important, a sensation of a stirred body, or heaviness of the head, which does not always happen and that disappears in a few hours.


QUESTION: Is it necessary to lie down to do the Restoration?

ANSWER: No, the energy also arrives if the person is lying down or doing work, it is not felt, the arrival is only noticed if it is made to coincide with a meditation, but the effect is the same.


QUESTION: How long does it take to do the Restoration?

ANSWER: It depends on the problems to be restored, the sessions are not continuous, the normal thing is to do two or three sessions a day, the average is 4 to 7 days.


QUESTION: Does the Restoration cure and heal all the physical illnesses of the person or is it just an energetic cleansing?


ANSWER: No, not at all, it does not serve to restore physical problems, I wish that formula existed, energy favors infectious states, inflammations, union in bone fractures and stress states, but in no case is it the palliative for cure any physical disease, however, I firmly believe that both bodies should vibrate in harmony and when the physical body is ill, the energy body is always very deteriorated, but the opposite is normal, when the energy body has been lacking for many years, It is when diseases usually come, one thing leads to another, but in no case what is lost (physical body) is recovered with energy restoration, in any case, this is an aid to avoid continuing to fall, but there is none guarantee that this happens, our own mind is so powerful that it could facilitate the healing of many processes, but it needs some variables that favor the process and this is one of them, a disease is almost never caused by a single factor, energy is always one of the factors involved, this at least is what I think, but actually there is no scientific evidence to support it.


QUESTION: Are the effects of the Restoration permanent?

ANSWER: It is permanent, but not indefinite, that is, we can dissolve all the problems generated up to today, but these are created by a poorly assimilated emotion, nothing guarantees that tomorrow there will not be a new problem, with the restoration, that It consists of sending energy accompanied by mental orders, it is possible to raise the energy to the maximum, but it does not remain at those levels for long, it all depends on the places that recharge our body, if we sleep on a geopathy, obviously our recharge it will be deficient and our levels will drop rapidly, in fact maintaining an energy level of about 7000 BU would be a challenge to achieve, when our energy capacity on this scale is at 8500 BU, which is reached during restoration.



QUESTION: When should a Bioenergetic Restoration be done?

ANSWER: I do not have a concrete answer to this question, I understand that at least a couple of times in our active life and a very important one, although we may think otherwise, before our departure, make the trip leaving that backpack that we have gone here. charging throughout our earthly passage, it is a highly recommended option, that our energy body is released and with an optimal energy level, it can make the transition lighter and not drag problems from this life into the next would be desirable, children They carry few problems, but sometimes they bring a very high karmic pact, knowing who they bring it with and intensity at an early age could avoid many problems later.

Epifanio Alcañiz


Dowser and radio dowser

Researcher of telluric energies


Bioenergetic restorer

Energetic cocreator

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