Who accesses this section for the first time can ask the following question:

What does dowsing have to do with flower remedies? Well, it is simple, the diagnostic method.

Currently the diagnosis is made by various therapists who use different methods. Those who practice Kinesiology do it with this method. Others use the RAC method (atrio-cardiac reflex) or pulses, created by Paul Nogier in the 1950s. With the pendulum dowsers. And those who do not follow any of these disciplines, with a personal interview in which through a check of the behavioral traits they decide which is the most appropriate remedy. Sometimes it is the patient himself who decides what remedy to take through generalized indications that they can get at the place of sale.


So let's talk about the dowsing method, or at least the one used by me (since I am self-taught and I am used to developing my own methods). In this case, I do not memorize what each flower essence is recommended for. I read them once with no intention of memorizing them, just so that the unconscious becomes aware of each flower remedy and helps me choose.

To know the degree of need for a flower remedy, I use a graph or scale from 0 to 10. I have previously coded my mind so that the need values below 5 are not chosen in a first assessment. The other mental coding imposed is that only emotional problems that remain anchored to the subject are detected in this first assessment, leaving aside the occasional or transitory problems that we all suffer.

I ask to connect mentally with the unconscious of the person in question, in person or through a photograph. My first question is to find out if this person needs any flower remedies. In the case of an affirmative answer, I ask the amount of essences necessary. Let's imagine that the answer is two, then I ask the degree of need for each of them. The next question is whether a remedy below degree 5 of necessity is needed and whether there are any transient problems. With all these data I make my assessment.

The normal thing is that my check-up, in 90% of the cases, gives a result of a maximum of three flower remedies, which do not usually last beyond one bottle of flower remedy for each problem. But, without a doubt, each case is different.



For those who do not have a nearby therapist or who prefer that I do a check-up (and tell them if they are in need of a flower remedy) they can do it through the store, the fee in this case is € 22 for the realization of that checkup. To do this, you would need a passport-type photo (digital) and the full name of the person to be tested. I would make a first assessment of the number of remedies you need and I would communicate it to you so that you can buy them in a herbalist.

Sometimes when several flower remedies are necessary, the patient does not always identify with all the emotional or behavioral states to which they are generically directed. But it is also true that we are not always able to recognize our shortcomings.


Bach flowers, also called flower remedies or Bach flower essences, are part of alternative medicines. There are a total of 38 preparations, made from the maceration in water or decoction of various flowers or plant species collected in the region of Wales (United Kingdom). For this, the creator of this flower therapy, Dr. Bach, collected the flowers and placed them in a glass bowl filled with spring water, and left them to macerate in the sun until the plants wilted (time that usually varies between one and several hours). The liquid obtained is called mother tincture. In times when the sun was not hot enough, he subjected the flowers to a light decoction. He sensed that in both ways he could capture the energy and properties accumulated in the flowers.

The resulting preparation is mixed with brandy, in a ratio of 1:44, which is used as a means of preserving the properties of the floral extract.

The English physician Edward Bach (1886–1936) developed the first 12 essences of this flower therapy, between 1928 and 1932; He called this first group the twelve healers. It is said that Dr. Edward Bach was able to perceive the energy value of matter. It was essential for him to differentiate and recognize two fundamental aspects in people: the physical and the spiritual.

Health depends on the harmony between the two fields. Edward Bach considered that the disease was an emotional imbalance caused in the bioenergetic field of the people and that if this imbalance persisted, the disease manifested itself in the physical field.

Bach flower remedies have been used successfully since then in the treatment of personality characteristics, psychosomatic, psychological and emotional disorders, such as fear, hatred, anguish, impatience, confusion, anger, uncertainty, apathy, shyness, irritability, anxiety, depression, insomnia, intolerance, trauma, obsessions, etc. When a person is bioenergetically and emotionally balanced again, he can overcome any illness on his own.

These flower remedies help to achieve emotional balance and can be used simultaneously with other treatments. There are no side effects, although they can increase the feeling of needing more sleep in the first days of treatment. The duration of it varies depending mainly on the time elapsed since the appearance of the problem and its intensity.

Along with each flower remedy, I include below some of the problems for which its use is indicated. However, this list is merely indicative, since the same problem can be treated effectively with two different remedies or with the combination of more than one.



There are different guidelines when it comes to administering these flower remedies. There are those who prefer that they be administered directly under the tongue and there are those who prefer that these extracts be diluted beforehand.

I will therefore speak in the way that I understand as most effective and not because I think one way or another, simply because it is the answer that I obtain through the unconscious.

Dosage guidelines should be personalized. But if we are to abide by generalized guidelines, I would advise 5 intakes of 2 undiluted drops per dose, which would be deposited under the tongue and left to act for a couple of minutes.

In case several remedies are used, the guidelines normally used are to mix several diluted remedies, but my recommendation never recognizes this dosage, I understand that the remedies should not be mixed and much less diluted, in case more than one remedy comes out. in a high degree of need, my advice would be to take two drops of each remedy directly, allowing at least 4 minutes to pass between one and the other. It would be advisable to take the shots at least 10 minutes before or after meals. Ideally, take them 5 times a day, as soon as you get up, mid-morning, before lunch, mid-afternoon and at bedtime. In general, I would also recommend strengthening its effect by taking a 5-day break after the first 10 treatments, and then continuing in all cases until the treatment is exhausted. But I repeat, each person may need a different dosage, these guidelines are general.


Bach flowers, also called flower remedies or Bach flower essences, are part of alternative medicines. There are a total of 38 preparations, made from the maceration in water or decoction of various flowers or plant species collected in the region of Wales (United Kingdom). For this, the creator of this flower therapy, Dr. Bach, collected the flowers and placed them in a glass bowl filled with spring water, and left them to macerate in the sun until the plants wilted (time that usually varies between one and several hours). The liquid obtained is called mother tincture. In times when the sun was not hot enough, he subjected the flowers to a light decoction. He sensed that in both ways he could capture the energy and properties accumulated in the flowers.

The resulting preparation is mixed with brandy, in a ratio of 1:44, which is used as a means of preserving the properties of the floral extract.

The English physician Edward Bach (1886–1936) developed the first 12 essences of this flower therapy, between 1928 and 1932; He called this first group the twelve healers. It is said that Dr. Edward Bach was able to perceive the energy value of matter. It was essential for him to differentiate and recognize two fundamental aspects in people: the physical and the spiritual.

Health depends on the harmony between the two fields. Edward Bach considered that the disease was an emotional imbalance caused in the bioenergetic field of the people and that if this imbalance persisted, the disease manifested itself in the physical field.

Bach flower remedies have been used successfully since then in the treatment of personality characteristics, psychosomatic, psychological and emotional disorders, such as fear, hatred, anguish, impatience, confusion, anger, uncertainty, apathy, shyness, irritability, anxiety, depression, insomnia, intolerance, trauma, obsessions, etc. When a person is bioenergetically and emotionally balanced again, he can overcome any illness on his own.

These flower remedies help to achieve emotional balance and can be used simultaneously with other treatments. There are no side effects, although they can increase the feeling of needing more sleep in the first days of treatment. The duration of it varies depending mainly on the time elapsed since the appearance of the problem and its intensity.

Along with each flower remedy I include below some of the problems for which the use of it is indicated. However, this list is merely indicative, since the same problem can be treated effectively with two different remedies or with the combination of more than one.


 1. AGRIMONY (Agrimonia)

It hides devious emotions, serious problems and suffering. Avoid arguments and seek harmony. Mental torment, facade of joy and unconcern. Seek to be accepted. If he gets sick he jokes about it.

2. ASPEN (Aspen)

Fear of the supernatural, of situations of unknown origin, which he feels threatens him, and of death. Omens. Vague and inexplicable fear. Phobias Children with fears or nightmares.

3. BEECH (Haya)

Arrogance. Pride. You tend to be intolerant and to criticize ruthlessly. Judge harshly. He does not tolerate ideas and customs different from his own.

  4. CENTAURY (Centaura)

He doesn't know how to say no. He sacrifices his own needs to look good. Easily manipulated. Selfless. Weak-willed

  5. CERATO (Ceratostigma)

Lack of confidence in your decisions. Seek approval and advice from others. Easily change your mind. He is indecisive.

 6. CHERRY PLUM (Cerasifera)

Fear of losing control of their actions. Persistent irrational thoughts. Uncontrollable outbursts. Erratic state.

7. CHESTNUT BUD (White chestnut bud)

Repeats the same mistakes, does not learn from their experiences. Caught in a vicious cycle of repetition.

8. CHICORY (Chicory)

Has a possessive and demanding personality. It meddles in the affairs of others continually. Take a lot, give little. Excessive handling. He becomes the martyr.

9. CLEMATIS (Clemátide)

Dreamer who evades reality. Hardly it is in the here and now. Distracted, he pays little attention to what is going on around him. He lives in a fantasy world, as an escape mechanism from his unhappiness.

  10. CRAB APPLE (Manzano silvestre)

Exaggerated reactions to minor imperfections. Loss of perspective, small details distract you. Low self-esteem. Feeling of being dirty and terror of being contaminated.

11. ELM (Olmo)

Responsibility overwhelms you. Unable to make simple decisions. Excess pressure blocks you.

12. GENTIAN (Field Gentian)

Discouraged and skeptical. Pessimistic. Depression from known causes. Failure makes you feel discouraged.

  13. GORSE (Aulaga)

Despair and loss of hope. Apathy. Pessimistic attitude.

14. HEATHER (Common Heather)

Obsessed with his own problems. Lost. Self-centered. Desire to talk about himself. Talks excessively, but does not listen. Child lacking affection

  15. HOLLY (Acebo)

Jealousy, distrust, envy, hatred and resentment. Lacks compassion. For those who need love.

  16. HONEYSUCKLE (Madreselva)

Anchored in the past, he does not live in the present. Obsessive nostalgia. Longing for the past and good times. Unrealized dreams.

17. HORNBEAM (Leaf or Carpe)

Mental exhaustion from boredom. Tired of the daily routine. Apathy. Lack of mental stimulation.

18. IMPATIENS (Impatience)

Impatience. Irritability. Frustration at the slow development of events. Little patient with stupid things.

  19. LARCH (Alerce)

Lack of trust. Expect to fail. Exaggeratedly cautious. Inferiority complex. Weak will. It is considered useless.

20. MIMULUS (Mímulo)

Fear of the known, of concrete, definable situations. Reserved and sensitive. Passive. Shyness.

21. MUSTARD (White mustard)

Pessimism and discouragement. Strong discouragement, lack of drive. Depression and sadness of unknown causes, which appear and disappear for no apparent reason.

22. OAK (Roble albar)

Fight desperately against adversity. Obsessive dedication, extreme work fatigue. It exhausts your responsibility with people in your charge.

23. OLIVES (Olive tree)

Total physical and / or mental exhaustion. Extreme fatigue After a period of stress.

  24. PINE (Pino silvestre)

Guilt. Despair due to feelings of guilt and self-reproach. He blames himself for everything, assumes the blame of others. Despondent for not forgiving himself.

25. RED CHESTNUT (Red Chestnut)

Fear of harm to loved ones. Concern for them. Altruism, sacrifice. He suffers from other people's problems.

  26. ROCK ROSE (Heliantemo o Jarilla)

Acute panic and fear. States of serious anguish. Terror and Nightmares. Anxiety with palpitations.

27. ROCK WATER (Rock water)

Abnegation. Perfectionism Severity. Rigid with himself, dispenses with his needs.

28. SCLERANTHUS (Scleranthus)

Changes in mood Indecision between two opposite extremes, thinks something is correct and immediately thinks otherwise. Erratic.

29. STAR OF BETHLEHEM (Chicken milk)

Sequelae of physical and mental trauma. Residual effects of physical and emotional shock. Grief, loss of loved ones, and bad news.

30. SWEET CHESTNUT (Sweet Chestnut)

Deep despair. Anxiety and acute distress caused by shock. They feel that reach the suffering limit. Without the strength to face events.

  31. VERVAIN (Verbena)

Fanaticism. It does not share the load. Obsessive with his job responsibilities and their causes.

32. VINE (Vid)

Uncompromising leader. Greed for power. Dominant. Overconfidence in yourself. Impose your criteria.

33. WALNUT (Kinda)

Indecision to start new stages or handle difficult situations. To adapt to change and new challenges. Coping with difficult transition periods. Vulnerability caused by changes.

34. WATER VIOLET (Water Violet)

Haughtiness. Reservation. Exaggerated sense of dignity. Loneliness of the proud. Distancing because of superiority feeling.

35. WHITE CHESTNUT (White chestnut)

Overwhelmed by torturous ideas. Internal dialogues. Prisoner of his thoughts. You have trouble falling asleep.

  36. WILD OAT (Avena silvestre)

Lack of goals. Uncertainty for not knowing the mission in life. Vocational discontent.

37. WILD ROSE (Wild Rose or Rosehip)

Apathy, disinterest in life. Hopeless resignation. Lack of motivation. Dispassionate.

  38. WILLOW (Sauce)

He feels a victim of fate. Resentment and bitterness about his condition. Internalized negative feelings. Self-pitying and moody.

Rescue Remedy

  Rock Rose, Cherry Plum, Impatiens, Clematis y Star of Bethlehem.

In 1930, Dr. Bach created a combination of Essences that was later called Rescue Remedy. The first one he used was composed only of Rock Rose, Clematis and Impatiens; in 1936 he decided to incorporate 2 more ingredients.

Rescue Remedy, as its name suggests, is a remedy to use in emergency situations, those in which fear, anxiety or stress suddenly cause profound discomfort. Receiving bad news, such as a death or dismissal, a stress attack, are among others the cases in which this remedy could be applied.

The most general way to take it is to place four drops of the preparation under the tongue, then we will take two or four drops depending on the evolution, up to a total of 5 times a day. If necessary, it is recommended to repeat the dose every two hours, until a noticeable improvement is obtained.

It is possible that, after reading in which states it is advisable to take each of the different flower remedies, there are people who feel identified with one or more of the applications described. But the truth is that sometimes we do not know how to distinguish our true problem, recognizing only the peripheral problems that mask and hide it.

I believe that all people will need the help that these remedies can give us at some time in our lives. We can thus combat those emotional states that, in isolation or intermittently, to a greater or lesser degree, affect our behavior, and that sometimes constitute an insurmountable problem by ourselves.

Flower remedies work slowly and gradually. It is not advisable to increase the dosage thinking that the effects can become visible more quickly. The unlocking must be progressive for the effect to be long-lasting. You have to let at least two or three weeks go by before you think that the remedy did not get the expected results.

Epifanio Alcañiz


Dowser and radio dowser

Researcher of telluric energies


Bioenergetic restorer

    Cocreador bioenergético


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