Much is written about everything related to the so-called Subtle Energy (there are many other names that define it) that invisible force that was so strongly linked, is and will continue to be with our existence.

That energy that our ancestors knew how to perceive and which they recorded through constructions that show us the respect of our ancestors for those places where they knew that this energy became much denser, more noticeable and more beneficial. They built their temples on these places, carrying out titanic projects for this, efforts that still cast many shadows today.

So science did not exist, our ancestors relied on their perceptions, in that sixth sense, much sharper than the one we now carry in a residual state. Dowsing is a perception and as all perceptions that remain latent in our unconscious need to be reactivated, only through practice will we be able to feed this forgotten perception.

Science has not yet managed to unravel the mystery, it has not yet been able to create a machine capable of detecting it. Therefore Subtle Energy simply does not exist for science.

Just over 100 years ago, X-rays were also ignored by science, the physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen had to arrive in 1896 and manage to photograph the bones of his wife Berta's hand, with the ring floating over them, it was the first radiographic image of the human body and since then this radiation has existed for science. However, there is no doubt that this radiation already existed before science accepted its existence.

Energetic vortices or power points, so many times mentioned as unknown. Invisible columns of energy that possibly cross our planet.

Many are those who claim to see them physically, some say they feel them, others say they capture them and many more speak of them with the simple authority of what they have read, but rarely of what they have experienced or felt.

I have spent years looking for that proof that confirms the certainty of what I perceive, luckily it exists and I finally found it: It is about mummification induced by bioenergetic density, the answer to why matter dehydrates in places with a high concentration bioenergetic, it has an overwhelming logic, but in this logic science does not intervene at all, only an extrasensory perception: dowsing.

I will try to explain myself:

The Bovis Biometer is a simple scale drawn on paper, the Bovis units (UB) an abstract comparative unit that only exists in the dowsing unconscious. With the Biometer, sufficient dowsing sensitivity and with the help of a pendulum, the biotic quality of places, people, animals, plants, matter, shapes, etc. can be measured. the variables of these measures allow the creation of comparative patterns or ranges to be able to evaluate.

Thus, following these patterns, the earth has a biotic quality or energetic vibration in neutral places, or not altered telluric, which is variable according to the zones, but which usually oscillates between 7000 and 8500 UB.

Theoretically healthy people should also maintain their energy levels within the range of 7000–8500 UB, animals maintain similar ranges, but insects and microorganisms, fungi, viruses, bacteria, etc., maintain a lower range, 4000– 4500 UB. I have always maintained the theory that when the energy level of a person falls below normal limits is when diseases begin, everything is related, a person affected by cancer does not usually vibrate above 3500-4000 BU as general energy level, if we go further, we will find a totally or partially blocked chakra that almost always coincides with the affected area and if we measure the energy level of the affected organ, we can find a level between 600 and 1500 BU. It is the fish that bites its tail, at a lower energy level, higher viral or bacterial activity, our body becomes an excellent breeding ground for any microorganism, on the contrary, the higher our bioenergetic level, the lower the viral activity; our immune system is usually in better shape and microorganisms are less active since high energy levels slow down their activity.

According to this theory and considering a bacterium as responsible for the putrefaction, if we keep a piece of meat with energetically acceptable levels for a time, the process should be able to slow down.

What if instead of being acceptable they are tall?

My first experiments were with the trisquel, does anyone not know what a trisquel is? Well, it is a symbol, sacred to many cultures, for some researchers a funerary symbol because it was found on many stelae for this purpose. It is a form, a kind of three-winged propeller, although there are many variants, the swastika is one of them, perhaps the best known triskeles are those of the Celtic culture, there are those who say that the Druids used them to combat fever and to disinfect wounds. I am convinced that both things can be achieved with the trisquel, I have used it with optimal results in wounds, managing to close them cleanly in less time.

Some time ago I discovered that with a simple photocopy of a drawing, in this case a trisquel enclosed in a circle, you can dehydrate or mummify a small piece of meat that is not very thick, this was the first link in a long chain of experiments.

There are two-dimensional shapes that have the property of increasing the energy density in their area of action, the spiral, the star, the trisquel, the circle, these last two forms joined, as long as they are not placed on a geopathy, they yield values that they usually exceed 9000 BU, sometimes enough to stop the rotting process.

Let's go back to the energy vortices, if I am able to measure the energy, if I detect these points, if the most common ones show levels of 13,500 UB, if there are also 19500 and 24,500 UB, and there is another less common one, 33,000 UB, apart from other minor ones called Meditation Points in which records of 9500, 10500 and 11500 UB are obtained, why not do the test on some of them? Why not face my ghosts and turn the theory into rule , perception in confirmation.

I did not obtain positive results the first time, I have to admit, before establishing some parameters, many tests are necessary, varying the components, unfortunately for my first tests I always chose the summer season, I thought about bacteria and disdained the insects, which proliferate in this time and they intervene in a negative way, the heat does not help either since it is a powerful activator of the process.

Something was wrong, I got a partial mummification, dehydration in the upper part and at the end, although with a delay, some larvae appeared that ruined my project, until I discovered that the flies had a lot to do with it, high energy levels do not favor any insects but they are used to it. to the middle and they support it at least for a time, flies or other insects deposit their larvae on the dead meat and this is their food source.

In winter I have not had any problem, I have mummified animals on those places where I say there is a higher bioenergetic density; in summer I have also achieved positive results, but only if I manage to preserve my experiments from the action of insects and a high temperature.

So I have the proven certainty that where I detect these vortices paranormal events occur, such as the non-rotting of meat, although there are more coincidences, those places where there are appearances of spirits or ghosts, or psychophonies, also usually occur in the surroundings of some of these vortices, like the Marian apparitions concretely and repeatedly next to the vortices in the left-handed sense, those that penetrate the Earth.

In the grotto of Lourdes, right in front of where the virgin appeared to Bernadette, there is a vortex of 24,500 UB, there is also a vortex in Fátima, another in Montserrat, in the sanctuary of Our Lady of La Encina in Álava, with two vortices of 24,500 UB, in the one of Guadalupe in Cáceres with two of 19,500 UB and it could be said that in all the sanctuaries, at least there is in all the ones in Spain that I have visited. But this is not all, the places where UFO sightings are usually common, curiously they also occur in areas where there are energy vortices, Montserrat and Montsegur with two vortices of 24,500 UB and so on, etc., I prefer in this case not to venture hypothesis.

The energy vortices are in all cases invisible energy columns of approx. 60 cm. in diameter that sometimes rotate in a left-handed direction, penetrating the earth and rotate in a clockwise direction, when they emerge from it. The vortices with the highest registers, that is, those of 19500, 24500 and 33000 UB have several peculiarities, one of them is that they always occur in the vertical of a water vein and another that they generate an octagonal energy field around them, which I have baptized with the name of radiant octagon.

These vortices were highly appreciated since ancient times and proof of this is that for their sacred constructions they used these places, in different parts of the planet, by tribes of different races and cultures that apparently could not have contact with each other.

Practically all the menhirs were located in a vortex of 19500 or 24500 UB, all the dolmens, at least the ones that I have prospected, contain a vortex inside them, in all the churches, hermitages and cathedrals of the Middle Ages, we will find one o several of these vortices. In Galicia, most of the cruise ships, which have not been transferred to a park and which still remain in their place of origin, are located on a vortex of 13,500 UB, some are in the vicinity of a church, something normal. Because this was built on the major vortex and sometimes there is a minor one in the vicinity, others are isolated at crossroads, I want to understand that the path emerged from the path traced by those who went to that special place. There are cruises in many places in the Spanish geography, but in the Galicia area most are located on a vortex.

Places of power; A great majority of researchers attribute this quality to a place, but only because of historical references as a place of worship, without knowing exactly what this name means. A place of power is not one where there is a vortex, I have already said that practically all medieval temples have it, but that does not make them a place of power, nor does sacred architecture as others claim and the irrefutable proof of What is wrong is in the fact that in the ruins of any temple, where sometimes only the foundations remain and sometimes not even that, the energy continues to flow through its vortexes, which continue in the place where they always were, impassively contemplating the constructions that men put on them.

A place of power is one where there are at least two vortices of equal density with little separation between them, generating a variable field in dimensions where the bioenergetic density also rises, that is, those places where the levels rise above 8500 UB due to the effect that various vortices exert on the area, creating an oval energy field of variable dimensions, reaching almost one km in diameter on special occasions.

Telluric disturbances; They are those that make the average energy levels alter up and down, transmitting this variation to our own bioenergetic level, when we spend a lot of time on altered places. We know as geopathies the alterations that are harmful to our health and as energetic vortices to the alterations that provide a greater bioenergetic density

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