I have been claiming for many years that I am a radio dowser, I think I am going to stop using the term, I have the ability to practice dowsing at a distance, but what I do has nothing to do with dowsing, some think it is a gift, we usually call gift, to a quality not shared by all, now I am aware that the expression is not correct, I rather see it as having been endowed with a tool to carry out a task, on the condition that I carry it out. After coming across people who carry the same mental tool and who are unaware of dowsing, I have come to the conclusion that teleradiesthesia is one of the functions that can be performed, but the authentic one, the origin of that mental tool is the faculty of being able to connect with the unconscious of other people and facilitate the execution of mental orders that by themselves they cannot process, this also allows us to connect with some accesses, not all, at least me, of the collective unconscious, accessing in a different way to the so-called akashic records, in that part would be the one to be able to know what telluric alterations there are in a place only with the image of it, that is, the teleradiesthesia. I have not found a name that correctly defines this quality, which is not new, it is simply not cataloged, the one who carries it knows that it is special, but not exactly why, I have decided to baptize that quality by coining for it the name PSYCHOESTHESIA, derived from the union of two Greek words that in many cases are the root of our own language: PSYCHE, PSYCHO (soul, mind) AISTHESIS (perceive, perception)

So, I consider myself psychic and teleradiesthesia is something that is accessed through the psychoesthesiaist, a perception that has nothing to do with dowsing, but obviously someone who is unaware of dowsing cannot be a teleradiesthesist, even being a carrier of the quality that I quote.

No, it is not my task to try to convince anyone, the doubt is reasonable, I can explain what my work consists of until I am exhausted, but the decision to believe in what I do is only yours, therefore, if when reading this you analyze and doubt, my recommendation is that you look for the solution to your problems elsewhere.

Epifanio Alcañiz


Dowser and radio dowser

Researcher of telluric energies


Bioenergetic restorer

Energetic cocreator

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